Carl Zeiss' ATLAS 9000 Corneal Topographer


 Carl Zeiss’ ATLAS 9000 Corneal Topographer

The ATLAS system delivers the clinical accuracy essential to today’s eye care practice, now in a more powerful, compact and easier-to-use platform.  With applications including contact lens fitting, corneal pathology identification and management and corneal wavefront analysis, the ATLAS system is the right choice for reliable, real-world results every time from virtually any operator.

The ATLAS all-in-one system combines a suite of unique technologies, the patented Cone-of-Focus Alignment System and Arc-Step Algorithm.  A 22-ring Placido disk optimized to avoid ring crossover means reliable results for a wide variety of patients, and a long, comfortable 70 millimeter working distance minimizes the focusing error found in small-cone systems.

SmartCapture image analysis makes image acquisition easy, helping your staff get it right the first time.  SmartCapture analyzes 15 digital images per second during alignment and automatically selects the highest quality image.  Next-generation image processing provides repeatable, reliable results, even in difficult cases.

The ATLAS Review Software provides dynamic remote access to all of your corneal topography exam data and patient education tools and no longer limits you to a static printout.

The ATLAS system software user interface offers intuitive analysis and reporting.  Corneal data can be displayed in a variety of ways depending on the individual patient requirements and user preferences. 

The axial curvature map describes the overall shape of the cornea.  The corneal wavefront map allows you to educate your patients about higher-order aberrations and simulates visual acuity.

The PathFinder corneal analysis software assists you with refractive surgery screening and helps identify abnormal corneal conditions.

The MasterFit contact lens software helps streamline the fitting of gas-permeable lenses and guides you through challenging-to-fit patients.

Take your practice to new heights with the powerful, compact easy-to-use ATLAS system. 

For an in-depth look at corneal topography and clinical case studies using the ATLAS system, please visit our corneal topography e-Learning course at

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