Mark Packer, MD Reviews Highlights and New Technologies of ASCRS 2008

Dr. Mark Packer discusses ASCRS 2008 highlights in a conversation with Parag Majmudar, MD. The “Around the world in 90 minutes” session encompassed major geographies and their respective cataract societies. Fostered a discussion on aspheric IOLs, correcting for aberration and lens selection. New technologies: Ed Sarver and associates VOLCT software -- takes the output from any topographer and give you Zernike coefficient for the cornea. Then match the corneal aberration and compensate with the IOL to net zero. Another aberrometer you can use is the Tracey iTrace. It incorporates a topographer, so it's essentially like the Isis topographer but also functions as an aberrometer. Intra-operative aberrometry by WaveTech in the aphakic state. Eric Donnenfeld MD, presented on the correction of corneal astigmatism with toric IOLs and LRI based on intra-operative wavefront abberometry. Preoperative IOL calculations with an IOLmaster or keratometer with Holladay II formula is today the best available method. Dr. Packer then describes the use of intra-operative wavefront aberrometry in a clinical study. TruVision, another company Dr. Packer is involved with, uses an HD digital microscope to project 3D images in cataract surgery. The ergonomic freedom at the operating table frees you from being tethered to the microscope. For routine cases this can be helpful, but in more difficult cases, where there is a lot of arcus, dense cataract, or vitreous hemorrhage, standard methods are preferable. At ASCRS, a course entitled "Cataract Surgery presented in 3D HD" was delivered to an audience wearing polarized glasses to view the 3D projected images in an actual case.
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