Digital Retinal Camera

Digital Retina Cameras or Digital Fundus Cameras are used to capture images of the interior surface of the eye. Many of these Digital Retina Cameras boast features like angle variations, color, red-free and angiography imaging, high grade LCD monitors with easy to use features as well as DICOM compatibility and EMR interfacing. These images of the retina, optic disc, macula and posterior pole are digital, which enables quick transfer and detailed image study as well as side-by-side image comparison and longitudinal tracking over time. These images are key in the identification and care of various eye diseases. Choosing the correct digital retina camera for a practices needs should be carefully considered.
CompanyTopcon HealthcareTopcon Healthcare
ItemTRC-NW8F Myd/Non-Myd Imaging SystemNW500 Non-Mydriatic Retinal Camera
DescriptionThe Topcon TRC-NW8F is an easy-to-use, auto focus, auto capture mydriatic/non-mydriatic imaging system that is designed to obtain high resolution color and monochrome images of the retina and the anterior segment of the human eye. It is equipped The NW500 is a user-friendly, robotic fundus camera that provides sharp-quality, consistent imaging even in ambient light.¹ Innovative slit scan illumination and rolling shutter mechanism in the NW500 make it possible to obtain excellent quality
  • Versatile and economical full function imaging system with color, red free and FA capabilities
  • Auto focus and auto capture
  • Intelligent software prevents mistakes and insures correct capturing in any mode
  • Tri-functional fully digital retinal camera
  • 12.3 megapixel resolution
  • Optical red-free function
  • 9 internal fixation targets for image consistency when composing wide-field views
  • Robotic Fundus camera
  • Enhanced Image Quality with 12MP Sensor
  • Small Pupil Photography, ɸ2.0mm or More
  • Rapid and Simple Capture by Single Touch
  • Multiple Connectivity Options
  • 50° Field of View
  • Stereoscopic Photography
  • Bilateral 2-Field Photography
Weight (lbs)Inquire20 kg (44.1 lb)
Working DistanceInquire35.5mm (1.4in)
Field Angle/Angle of ViewInquire50°
DimensionsInquire332-426mm (13.1-16.8in)(W) x 519-769mm (20.4-30.3in)(H) x 540-680mm (21.3-26.8in)(D)
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