Indirect Gonioscopes

CompanyVolk Optical, Inc.Rumex International Co.
ItemG-4 Four-Mirror Glass Gonio LensGonioscope
Vendor Product PageCompany Product Page
DescriptionThe G-4 goniolaser lens features 4 precisely angled 64° mirrors to deliver a complete 360° view of the anterior chamber angle with slight rotation. The standard fluid design (flanged glass contact element) provides a stable platform during laser Mirror prismatic gonioscope. Titanium body.
ApprovalUS FDAUSA and Worldwide
Product NumberVG416-025 4
Image Magnification1.0xInquire
Static FOVInquireInquire
Contact diameter15mmInquire
Lens HeightInquireInquire
Laser Spot1.0xInquire
Mirror Angles4x 64°Inquire
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