Standard Static Perimetry

A patient's visual acuity can be impaired by ailments such as choroidal neovascular lesions or AMD. Perimetry is used to measure a patient's sensitivity to differential light within their visual field, by displaying objects to the patient and measuring their response to them. Test objects – often just small spost of light – are projected onto a hemispherical surface. In standard static perimetry, objects of varying sizes and shapes remain fixed in position (hence static) across the visual field, but change in luminosity or size via computer control. These perimeters offer up to 80 degrees of measurement range across the hemisphere. The patients sensitivity threshold can be mapped as a traditional chart, a 3D or grayscale image, or a statistical profile. Static perimetry is often included in all-in-one visual testers, though stand-alone devices are also available.
CompanyHaag-Streit USA, Inc.Haag-Streit USA, Inc.
ItemOctopus 900 PerimeterOctopus 600 Perimeter
Vendor Product PageCompany Product Page
DescriptionAddressing all major perimetry needs, the Octopus 900 from Haag-Streit is the perimeter of choice for anyone who wants diagnostic flexibility to analyse, assess and track patients’ visual fields. Everything you can ask of a perimeter is offered in Haag-Streit's Octopus 600 covers all your essential perimetry needs in an easy-to-use device, including central field static testing, rapid screening, an easy-to-read analysis software, and the ability to network with integrated EyeSuite software.
  • Six Methods – One Perimeter
  • 100% Fixation Control – 100% of the Time.
  • Lightning-fast full threshold exams in fewer than 150 seconds
  • EyeSuite™ Software Analysis with networkable system and EMR Integration.
  • Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry in both manual and semi-automated modalities utilizing our full 90 Degree standard Goldmann bowl
  • Improved Patient Comfort and Greater Flexibility
  • Import existing HFA data (700 series)
  • HFA Style printout
  • Three forms of glaucoma progression analysis - including structure/function
Weight (lbs)55 lbs (25 kg)28 lbs (12.7 kg)
StimulusMirror projection systemTFT Monitor
Fixation ControlBlink Control, Pupil Position Control, AET (Automated Eye Tracking)Blink Control, Pupil Position Control, Dart Control, Contact Control
Test StrategiesTOP (Tendency Oriented Perimetry, 2–4 min)
Dynamic (adaptive step size, 6–8 min)
Normal (4-2-1 bracketing, 10–12 min)
Other (LV: Low Vision with Goldmann size V; 2-LT: 2-Level Test, 1-LT: 1-Level Test; GST: Glaucoma Screening Test)
  • Glaucoma Screening Test GST
  • TOP (Tendency Oriented Perimetry, 2–4 min)
  • Dynamic (adaptive step size, 6–8 min)
  • Normal (4-2-1 bracketing, 10–12 min)
Analysis SoftwareEyeSuite™ Software Analysis with networkable system and EMR Integration.Inquire
Networking Capabilities DICOM, EMR, EthernetDICOM, EMR, Ethernet
Test Method
  • Standard white-on-white perimetry SAP
  • Blue/yellow perimetry SWAP
  • Flicker perimetry for early diagnosis
  • Red/white perimetry (custom tests only)
  • Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry
Standard white-on-white perimetry SAP
Pulsar perimetry for early diagnosis
Data StorageOctopus 101, 123, 300 and 600; HFAOctopus 101, 123, 300 and 900; HFA
Dimensions (W × H × D)648 mm (25.5 in) x 796 mm (31.3 in) x 519 mm (20.4 in)467 mm (18.4 in) x 500 mm (19.7 in) x 508 mm (20 in)
Peripheral Range180° (30 cm radius Goldmann bowl)30° (infinite)
Stimulus Size(Goldmann) I, II, III, IV, V(°): SAP: 0.43 (Size III); Pulsar: 5
Stimulus Duration100, 200, 500, 1000, infiniteSAP: 100 ms; Pulsar: 500 ms
Background Illumination0/4/31/314SAP: 10 cd/m2; Pulsar: 32 cd/m2
Test Pattern
  • General/Glaucoma 30° (G1-Program, 32, 30-2, 24-2)
  • General/Glaucoma Periphery (G2-Program: 60°; 07-Program: 75°)
  • Macula (M-Program (10°/30°); 10-2)
  • Screening (ST)
  • Driving (Estermann monocular/binocular; FG: German Driving Licence)
  • Disability (BT – Blepharoptosis; BG: German Blindness)
  • Other Pathology (N1: Neurological; D1: Diabetes)
  • Custom tests
General/Glaucoma 30° (G1-Program, 32 (corresponding to 30-2), 24-2)
Macula (M-Program, 10-2)
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