The Acclaim 7000 Nd:YAG laser allows you to expand your practice by offering cosmetic procedures such as hair removal, treatment of leg and facial veins, our Dermique™ LaserFACIAL for sun-damaged skin. The Acclaim 7000 offers selectable parameters for customizing treatment based on skin and hair type, improving outcomes on a variety of patients.
- Acclaim™ 7000 Multiple Application Laser
- Cynosure, Inc
- Inquire
- Treats a wide variety of skin types (I-VI), including tanned skin.
- Provides high-peak power to effectively treat fine hair.
- Effective treatment of facial and leg telangiectasias (up to 3 mm).
- Successfully treats a wide variety of vascular lesions.
- Selectable laser parameters and spot sizes allow for a targeted approach to all veins.
- The Dermique LaserFACIAL reduces diffuse redness (the blush of rosacea) and minor facial veins.
- Quick and easy procedure with no patient downtime.
- Offers multiple applications, faster treatments, and greater patient throughput, making your practice more productive and profitable.
- Worldwide
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- 41” x 15” x 25” (104cm x 38cm x 64cm)
- 180 lbs (82 kg)
- 1064nm
- Nd:YAG
- Nd:YAG
- Laser hair removal, leg veins, facial telangiectasia, vascular lesions and non-invasive skin treatment.
- Cold Air or Integrated Cooling
- Inquire
- Adjustable 0.4 - 300
- 5Hz
- 110 VAC/20A1 or 220 VAC/30A
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