Stereo Optical’s Optec Plus all-in-one digital vision screener enables quick, thorough and repeatable results in the pre-test room, saving valuable time in the exam lane.
New Features include a user friendly interfase, an expanded library of tests with limitless customization including auto-mode, randomization and protocols.
- Optec® Plus Smart Vision Screener
- Stereo Optical Company, Inc.
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- Optec Plus
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- Easy to use and intuitive interface
- Control your test on a single screen
Choose your test conditions in one click - Night and Day, Monocular L&R, Binocular, Far, Intermediate, Near distance selection or Random
Change your selection at any time
Customization : Creating your own protocol is simple
- Design and record your own protocol
- Optometry screening
Occupational medicine
Driver rehabilitation
Public Health, Primary Care
Schools, Pediatrics
Modify your preset protocols during screening
All tests can be randomized
Automatic mode : Increase the efficiency of your patient flow and same time in the exam lane
- With this unique feature, the tests can be Self administered by the patient or Delegated to your staff
- Test to speech technology guides patient through the test, freeing you from repetitive tasks
Preset auto-mode protocols
- The Optec® Plus records the patient results for you
Connectivity : Get all the advantages of a Smart Device
- Digital records in .pdf file or .xml that can be printed, extracted and exported
EMR compatibility to ease your data transfer
Operated and monitored on – PC, Laptop, Tablet, Wireless connectivity: Bluetooth and Wifi
- Preliminary Tests: Loss of accommodation, visual acuity: letters/numbers/landolts/snellen/Tumbling E/ETDRS
Refractive tests: Ametropia red/green, astigmatism, latent hyperopia, fusion, lateral and vertical phoria, depth perception
Non-refractive tests: Color tests, contrast sensitivity test
Additional tests: HOTV, road sign recognition, Allen
Horizontal peripheral vision test: Stimuli at 45° nasal and 55°, 60°, 70°, 80°, 85°, 90° and 100° temporal