Addressing all major perimetry needs, the Octopus 900 from Haag-Streit is the perimeter of choice for anyone who wants diagnostic flexibility to analyse, assess and track patients’ visual fields. Everything you can ask of a perimeter is offered in one device -- full field static and kinetic perimetry, an easy-to-read analysis software, and the ability to network it with integrated EyeSuite software.
- Octopus 900 Perimeter
- Haag-Streit USA, Inc.
- Get quote
- Six Methods – One Perimeter
- 100% Fixation Control – 100% of the Time.
- Lightning-fast full threshold exams in fewer than 150 seconds
- EyeSuite™ Software Analysis with networkable system and EMR Integration.
- Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry in both manual and semi-automated modalities utilizing our full 90 Degree standard Goldmann bowl
- Improved Patient Comfort and Greater Flexibility
- Import existing HFA data (700 series)
- HFA Style printout
- Three forms of glaucoma progression analysis - including structure/function
- EyeSuite™ Software Analysis with networkable system and EMR Integration.
- 55 lbs (25 kg)
- Mirror projection system
- Blink Control, Pupil Position Control, AET (Automated Eye Tracking)
- TOP (Tendency Oriented Perimetry, 2–4 min)
Dynamic (adaptive step size, 6–8 min)
Normal (4-2-1 bracketing, 10–12 min)
Other (LV: Low Vision with Goldmann size V; 2-LT: 2-Level Test, 1-LT: 1-Level Test; GST: Glaucoma Screening Test)
- Standard white-on-white perimetry SAP
- Blue/yellow perimetry SWAP
- Flicker perimetry for early diagnosis
- Red/white perimetry (custom tests only)
- Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry
- 648 mm (25.5 in) x 796 mm (31.3 in) x 519 mm (20.4 in)
- 180° (30 cm radius Goldmann bowl)
- (Goldmann) I, II, III, IV, V
- 100, 200, 500, 1000, infinite
- 0/4/31/314
- DICOM, EMR, Ethernet
- Octopus 101, 123, 300 and 600; HFA
- General/Glaucoma 30° (G1-Program, 32, 30-2, 24-2)
- General/Glaucoma Periphery (G2-Program: 60°; 07-Program: 75°)
- Macula (M-Program (10°/30°); 10-2)
- Screening (ST)
- Driving (Estermann monocular/binocular; FG: German Driving Licence)
- Disability (BT – Blepharoptosis; BG: German Blindness)
- Other Pathology (N1: Neurological; D1: Diabetes)
- Custom tests