Ziemer USA, Inc.
R. Luke Rebenitsch, M.D. performed the first KAMRA procedures in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on July 22, 2015. The KAMRA inlay is one of the most recent advances in the surgical management of presbyopia being offered at ClearSight LASIK.
Dan Wilson, CEO of ClearSight LASIK reports that a great deal of planning was done in anticipation of the FDA approval of the inlay in May. Refractive marketing coordinator, Robyn Reed was flown to Dr. Jeff Machat’s practice in Toronto 18 months ago to have the procedure performed on herself. In addition, the practice upgraded from the Ziemer Classic LDV laser to the Ziemer Femto LDV Z6 which provides the necessary pocket creation software.
Gary Wilson, M.D. states, “My experience with the Classic LDV femto producing quiet eyes and quick visual recovery for patients made me very confident in moving forward with the Z6 for pocket creation. I felt the lower energy delivered by the Ziemer Z6 would be critical to the superior visual outcomes that our patients have come to expect. The smaller spot size of the laser as a recommended guideline by AcuFocus also made the Z6 an easy choice.”
Dr. Rebenitsch successfully implanted an inlay in a post hyperopic LASIK patient. Since the flap was larger and close to the limbus, he chose to take advantage of the LDV Z6’s ability to modify the orientation of the pocket tunnel and create a superior entry at the flap hinge rather than a temporal entry. While this approach has been reported in South America, Dr. Rebenitsch was the first physician to make this adaptation in the US. At one week the patient’s uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/20 OD and 20/12.5 OS. Binocular uncorrected near visual acuity was 20/32 at 16 inches. Slit lamp examination showed healing LASIK flaps OU, a healing corneal pocket OD, no epithelial defects, and a centered KAMRA inlay with minimal stromal edema.
Dr. Rebenitsch reports “It is very exciting to have my beginning weeks of practice in Oklahoma include the ability to offer the KAMRA inlay. I have had the privilege to use many laser platforms in my career and I am extremely pleased with the versatility and outstanding outcomes that the Ziemer LDV Z6 provides.”