Modernizing Medicine Showcases New Mobile EMA Ophthalmology EMR System at the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Annual Symposium 2015

Modernizing Medicine, Inc.

Focus on subspecialties and outcome-based reimbursement also support ophthalmologists using EMA

Modernizing Medicine, Inc., the creator of the Electronic Medical Assistant® (EMA™), a cloud-based, iPad native, specialty-specific electronic medical record (EMR) system, will showcase the latest advancements with EMA Ophthalmology® at this year’s American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Annual Symposium. Ophthalmologists can demo the recently upgraded EMR system offered by Modernizing Medicine and see how it easily fits into the ophthalmology practice workflow.

Designed and developed by ophthalmologists for ophthalmologists, EMA Ophthalmology knows the many subspecialties within the ophthalmic field. The ophthalmology software has recently undergone intelligent upgrades, including enhanced access to patient history and the ability for physicians to opt-out of plans that do not pertain to their subspecialty. This provides ophthalmologists with a more tailored and efficient system.

In addition to being easily accessible through a desktop computer, EMA Ophthalmology is available as a native iPad application and can be accessed via the Internet virtually anywhere and anytime, giving providers the freedom they need to efficiently run their practices. Now, native to both Android and iOS, PocketEMA™ provides mobile smartphone access to a patient’s chart and past notes, review of allergies and current medications, plus the ability to view additional documents like imaging reports.

Modernizing Medicine’s physicians have built EMA Ophthalmology with automated and advanced ICD-10 coding as well as Meaningful Use and PQRS reporting capabilities. In accordance with the recent moves by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), EMA Ophthalmology’s structured data makes it simpler for physicians to document and keep track of his/her patients’ progress, creating a smoother transition to quality-of-care reporting and outcome-based reimbursements.

“The advancements we have made with EMA Ophthalmology will further support ophthalmologists of all subspecialties,” said Daniel Cane, CEO and co-founder of Modernizing Medicine. “As we continue to innovate the EMA platform, our clients help us to identify what they are looking for with their EMR system that will allow them to practice ophthalmologic medicine more accurately and efficiently.”

“The attention to detail as far as coding is beyond anything I have ever seen. EMA Ophthalmology really tracks what you are doing and it is basically auditing you every second that you’re on it,” shares Dr. Don Abrams, Chairman of Ophthalmology at the LifeBridge Health Krieger Eye Institute at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, Md. “I had been under coding for years on paper for fear of not having documentation to justify higher coding. With EMA Ophthalmology, it’s amazing how it codes automatically and all of the data points are positioned with the appropriate number of diagnoses. I’m really looking forward to seeing how EMA Ophthalmology works with ICD-10 and I anticipate it to be an effortless transition.” Read Dr. Abrams’ case study illustrating his use of EMA Ophthalmology.

Members of the EMA Ophthalmology team will provide demonstrations at Modernizing Medicine booth #2617 during the Annual ASCRS meeting in San Diego taking place from Saturday, April 18 – Monday, April 20. For more information about EMA Ophthalmology, please visit the Modernizing Medicine website.
